How to order a baguette in Paris

If you’re in Paris, you’re going to want to buy bread. It’s usually good, it’s always inexpensive, and it’s the easiest way to refuel between 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m, when most restaurants are closed. You’ll find a boulangerie on every corner. Also, the word boulangerie is really fun to say, even if you don’t pronounce it quite right (guilty as charged).
Here’s how order bread, even if your French is terrible and you can’t tell your Euros from the pounds you just picked up at Heathrow on your way to Paris. In this video, I tell you how to order my favorite stand-by, une tradition. There are many types of bread at Parisian boulangeries, of course. If you want to get fancy, check out David Leibovitz on bread.
Words to know: bonjour madame, une tradition, s’il vous plait, bien cuit, c’est tout, and merci.